Join one of our many community classes.

Over 80% of fire and injury related deaths happen right where we feel the safest, IN OUR OWN HOME. What if once a week in the USA, an airplane with 100 passengers went down killing all on board and injuring another 500 people on the ground? How long would we stand for such a persistent horror? You can bet that if this were happening, it would attract the media and government attention necessary to put a stop to it, and quick!

All equipment at classes is for demonstration only and cannot be purchased during a class.

Testimonials from the class

" wow that was a fun class, and i learned way more than i thought i would. "

Debbie from San Diego, CA

" i have seen a lot of fire seminars over the years and i would put this one at the top "

Steve from Salem, OR

" So glad we came. Learned so much and loved the no purchase etiquette "

Sherry from Eugene, OR

" I told everyone I know that they should see this class "

Craig from Portland, OR

" Definitely worth the time! "

Tim from El Cahone, CA

Schedule a class today for your organization or company.